0 2024-12-20
来自伦敦的先锋艺术家影子(Shadow Moon)亚洲首次个展《Yggdrasill 世界树 – 尤克特拉希尔》于 2024 年 8 月 1 日在北京金杜艺术中心开幕。
本次展览由来自美国硅谷 MUSE-AI(木思艺术)与落地北京的金杜艺术中心联合主办,展览通过 20 多件由艺术家与独家 AI 算法模型共同创作完成的绘画作品及一件罕见的观念装置作品,展现了一种前所未有的艺术创作方式、交互方式与生活方式。
本次展览创作灵感来自挪威神话中的「Yggdrasill 世界树」,这是一棵连接九个世界的神秘巨树。艺术家将这一神话元素转化为艺术语言,通过画作让这棵“命运之树”在观者眼前生根发芽,枝繁叶茂,其枝叶跨越了无限的世界,在不同维度上延伸,如同生命的无始无终,让人沉浸在一种超现实的艺术体验之中,感受到艺术在跨越文化与时间的界限时所展现出的无限可能。
展览持续至 2024 年 9 月 1 日,对公众免费开放。
Creativity is intelligence having fun.- Albert Einstein
Shadow Moon, a pioneering artist from London, will debut the first solo exhibition in Asia titled Yggdrasill - the World Tree at the KWM artcenter in Beijing on August 1, 2024.
This exhibition is jointly organized by MUSE-AI from Silicon Valley, USA, and the KWM artcenter located in Beijing. The exhibition showcases over 20 paintings collaboratively created by the artist and an exclusive AI algorithm model, along with a rare conceptual installation piece. This event presents an unprecedented approach to art creation, interaction, and lifestyle.
The inspiration for this exhibition comes from the Norse mythology of Yggdrasill- the World Tree, a mysterious giant tree that connects nine worlds. The artist has transformed this mythological element into artistic language, using paintings to depict the Tree of Destiny taking root and flourishing before the viewers eyes. Its branches span across infinite worlds, extending across different dimensions like the endlessness of life itself, immersing viewers in a surreal artistic experience. It allows one to sense the infinite possibilities that art reveals when crossing cultural and temporal boundaries.
From Shadows artworks, one can perceive the artists meticulous observations of the environment, fascination with mythological narratives, human nature, and natural forces, as well as the often overlooked details, talents, and beauty.
The exhibition will provide all visitors with access to the exclusive American AI model used in the artists creations, offering them the opportunity to experience avant-garde art forms and personally create original artworks of museum quality.
In addition to the exhibition itself, there will be related youth art experiential public welfare activities and an AI art charity auction during the duration, providing imaginative and diverse participation opportunities for art enthusiasts in the community.
The exhibition runs until September 1, 2024, and is open to the public free of charge.